(Spinal!) Tap Social 23 March - Botley, Oxford
A great night!
Our first gig at Tap Social - with a mash-up band formed especially from The Crimps (Johnno/Andy/Frank), The Limitations (Andy/Sarah/Frank) and Georgia (The Village Idiots - a sort of 'Limp Idiot' presentation!
We got a warm welcome, a great vibe, lovely beer and tasty food (thanks Souvlaki Brothers). Hopefully we will be back again.
For more information about the CRAFT BREWERY with some CRIMINALLY GOOD BEER - www.tapsocialmovement.com
Our first gig at Tap Social - with a mash-up band formed especially from The Crimps (Johnno/Andy/Frank), The Limitations (Andy/Sarah/Frank) and Georgia (The Village Idiots - a sort of 'Limp Idiot' presentation!
We got a warm welcome, a great vibe, lovely beer and tasty food (thanks Souvlaki Brothers). Hopefully we will be back again.
For more information about the CRAFT BREWERY with some CRIMINALLY GOOD BEER - www.tapsocialmovement.com